Thursday, August 14, 2008

@ the pharmacy...

phone rings....

jazel: thank you for calling ****pharmacy, how may i help you?
customer: are you the pharmacist?
jazel: yes sir i am
customer: i spilled my pills on my bathroom floor, i'm wondering if i can sanitize these by microwaving for maybe 20 seconds?
jazel: ahhhh... (i had to stop and think for a good answer and not offend him).
sir you can't do that. i cannot guarantee the stability of your medication if microwaved, so i actually do not recommend you doing it.

customer: uh, ok then, thanks.


jazel: thank you for calling ****pharmacy, how may i help you?
customer: are you the pharmacist whom i spoke with a while ago?
jazel: yes sir i am
customer: uh, i'm wondering if i could freeze my pills instead?
jazel: (i wanted to laugh but i had to control it). sir, no you can't. your medication is supposed to be stored at room temperature so any extreme temperature may just cause damage to your pills. if your pills are not wet or broken, just wipe them off and pop 'em...
customer: uh, ok then, sounds good to me.

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